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Do you Blog?

If the answer is Yes then read on…
Social media is an excellent way to promote and get exposure for your blog. But some of us are playing social media the wrong way. Sure we can make a page and post how great we are five times a day, but everyone does that. The clue is in the name “Social” Media it’s there to be sociable, share experiences, and converse amongst one another.
Here are some popular and up and coming social media sites where you can gain publicity for your blog. But be sure to target sites based on your audience as well.

  • LinkedIn – A great network for professionals. You can post your blogs via your own updates as well as share them as relevant information with your groups.
  • Twitter – My personal favourite. If you have a good catchy title for your blog then posting it to Twitter with a link is a fabulous way of getting traffic to your site. But don’t just post it once – post it several times and at different times of the day. The reason being there is so much traffic on twitter it’s sure to be lost in the stream. By posting at different times you’ll increase your chances of it being spotted by people.
  • Facebook – You can target just about any audience with Facebook. The key is real social interaction. Share other posts and if it’s relevant, tie in your blog. When you do post your blog, make sure to post your link first to pull in the image from your blog page.
  • Google+ – Among one of the latest social media sites. Offering more words per post than Facebook, you can post your entire blog in. Your blog site can be categorised in searches as well.
  • Pinterest – Although the newbie on the block Pinterest as hit the Social Media scene with a bang. While there isn’t much verbal interaction, there is a lot of sharing. A good suggestion for blogs, is to have relevant images and videos for each board you have to get readers something more than just reading.

If you are using Social Media for business purposes and you hope to secure new clients from it then always remember the Pareto Rule – 80% of your posts should be about them, engage them in some manner. The other 20% can then be all about you. It’s fine to give an update here or there about yourself, but Social Media is about your audience, your clients, and your potential clients. Give them something that interests and engages them.
I’m interested in your thoughts on what platform you find most useful and any other tips you have for promoting a blog on Social Media so if you found this article useful please share and let’s gather a few opinions.