How organised are you?

Generally, we are not born organised, the techniques and systems are learned and built over time. However, learning to organise your day can lead to a more productive outcome and streamlined life. 

You’ve heard the phrase “time is money”; putting these into action and being productive can make a massive difference to your bank balance in business. We’ve been thinking about this a lot recently and put together some of our favourite tips to help you be super organised and productive in your business. 

  • Own your time. Set your alarm clock 5 minutes earlier to give you a little extra time each day. It’s amazing how much more you can get done with an early, and positive start to the day.
  • Set your monthly goals, and write them down. Break up each goal into weekly goals, and then into the steps needed to accomplish each one. Do you have all the information needed to complete your tasks? Do you need to cost up jobs for these tasks? Take all these things into account when writing your steps to achieve each goal. 
  • Organise your emails.  Delete unnecessary emails and make sure you have none outstanding. Unsubscribe to any newsletters you don’t actually read. A side benefit to deleting unwanted emails is it reduces your carbon footprint…who knew?
  • Organise your phone photos. Set time each month to go through your photos, delete bad ones, and upload ones you wish to keep. Back up your phone. 
  • Clear your receipts from your purse, wallet, and bag. Make sure any receipts for expenses are either uploaded to the Hubdoc, Dext, or other expense capture software or stored away safely. We’re big fans of Hubdoc so that would be our first choice.
  • Check your diary. Make sure any appointments, meetings, family time, and events are written in and updated. Write in your monthly and weekly goals so you are seeing a daily reminder. 
  • Buy all your greetings cards at once. Prepare Birthday cards and gifts, and have them wrapped and ready to go to prevent a last-minute panic. This can also save money as you can often get 3 for 2 deals 😉
  • Declutter your desk and working space. Regular decluttering can help clear your mind of distractions. If possible, get into a routine of leaving your desk clear each evening for a fresh start in the morning. 
  • Scan all paper documents. These can be filed electronically to save physical space and help ensure everything is in one place when needed.
  • Emptying your folders. Empty your desktop trash folder and tidy up desktop icons.
  • Update your CRM software. Type over any notes to keep track of your prospect and customer communications, add any follow-ups to complete to your to-do list. Cross through your written note so you know it’s added to the system. If you’re looking for a good CRM system we can recommend CapsuleCRM. If you don’t know what CRM software is or how it can help your business get in touch and we’ll talk you through it.
  • Turn off notifications on software unless it’s absolutely necessary. Open emails at a time that suits your working patterns. Dipping in and out of email every time a notification pings can be disruptive to your working flow.
  • Plan some healthy lunch options. Choosing the same lunch place can sometimes be boring, and lead to junk food. Look up some lunchtime recipes and fill up a healthy snack box to keep in your desk drawer to avoid mid-day sluggishness. 
  • Make sure you take time to exercise. Get out for a walk, and you can also multitask by using that time to listen to a podcast.
  • Write your To-Do list the night before. You’ll be starting the next day with a strong starting point


Do you do any of these already?

Are there any you think you’d add to your everyday routine? 

Outsourcing many of the jobs that eat up your time can be another way to gain back your hours, working with a virtual support team can help with this.

We offer support with accountancy, bookkeeping, virtual administrative assistance, and social media support. 

If you would like to chat about how we can help you become more organised and productive, grab yourself a coffee, and let’s have a no-obligation chat

If you have any fabby tips then we’d love to hear them too. Get in touch on our social platforms.