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Sales Invoices – What you need to know

Sales Invoices

If you’re setting out in business, one of the most exciting things you’ll do is send your first sales invoice. But what should you include? Not just to be compliant but to ensure swift and accurate payment from your client.

Compliant Sales Invoices

HMRC require you to include certain information on your sales invoices. Use the following as a checklist when creating your Sales Invoice;

Sole Trader Sales Invoices

If you’re a sole trader, there are a couple of extra steps to take. Include the following;

Limited Company Invoices

There are some extras to think about when it comes to Sales Invoices if you’re running a Limited Company too.

What else should you include on your sales invoices

So, you’ve got the compliance stuff down. But what else should you really be including on your Sales Invoices? We have masses of experience with companies issuing Sales Invoices, and of course, we issue them ourselves. Here’s our take on what you need to round out the perfect Sales Invoice;

Sales Invoices and Cloud Accounting Software

If you’re using cloud accounting software it’s ten times easier to generate compliant sales invoices.

A lot of the information you need on there to be compliant will be auto-populated from other areas of the software (i.e. your company name, invoice number, VAT number etc.).

You can also create and amend templates to ensure you get the right look and feel for your business.

We highly recommend Xero. You can find out more about their Sales Invoice functionality here.

If you need help with your Sales Invoices or with setting up Xero, feel free to get in touch!

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