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Great ideas for Facebook Business Pages


Facebook giveaway

What are your tips to get the best out of Facebook Business Pages?

Businesses stay in touch with their customers and generate more interest in them through  one or more of the various social media platforms out there. Facebook is one of the most well-known and well used social media platforms with more than 1.2 billion users around the world and this number is growing.
According to a study conducted by Statistics Brain website, using data collated by MacWorld, Socialnomics and Browser Media, 56% of the people with Facebook accounts log into their account every day. This means that if you have a business and you are not already using Facebook as a way to connect and communicate with a wider audience you really should be, particularly if your business is B2C. You should also remember that this wider audience could be a potential half a billion regular users so you need to put the effort in to create a great page.
Please be sure to create a BUSINESS Facebook page and not a personal page.
Once you’ve created your page it is vital to get as much as possible out of it. Here are some of the tips that you might want to consider for the Facebook page for your business.

  1. Never put anything on your business page that will cause upset or offence to anyone. This is a sure-fire way to get disliked which is not ideal for a business. Remember that what you share on Facebook will be there for everyone to see, so think before adding anything.
  2. Use a header that will attract the attention of users. BUT, Don’t go too over the top or you could find that it takes away the focus of your page.
  3. Engage with people who like and use your page. If people post comments make sure that you respond to them. You don’t have to be constantly checking Facebook to do this either, just allow yourself 10 – 15 minutes per day to check out new comments and make your own. When users can see that they get a response from you they are more likely to have a continued interest in your business.
  4. Give your ‘likers’ and fans something new to see on your page regularly. Doing this will keep your page on people’s newsfeeds, which in turn will keep your business in their minds.
  5. If you have a blog make sure that you share your posts on Facebook. Doing this will give your fans something new and interesting to read and it can help people to understand your business even more.
  6. Add pictures. These can be of products, your team, your business or anything else that your fans will want to check out. Depending on your business type you might want to put funny (not offensive!) pictures up as these can generate a lot of interest and people will want to share them.
  7. Add videos if they are relevant to your business, these are always very popular so make sure that they are worth watching and your fans will love them.
  8. Never leave your page unattended for long periods of time. The more activity that people see on a page the more they want to engage with it. If your last post was 18 months ago it’s not going to appeal to anyone looking for up to date information on your business.
  9. If you really want to run competitions be careful to abide by Facebook promotion guidelines. Although massively popular make sure that you are true to your word with these giveaways.
  10. Finally and most importantly, make sure your content is appealing, interesting and above all sharable. More interaction on your page means a wider audience for your post.

Why not try one or two of these suggestions? And be sure to come back and tell us how they worked for you.

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